Terms & Conditions
Check-in and check-out time |
Check-in starts at 14:00 and ends at 23:00. Check-out ends at 11:00. We have a cloakroom for your luggage if it is needed. |
Key |
Please leave the room key in the reception all time you left the building. In case of lost the key outside the hostel, there will be a penalty of 20€. If you want to keep the room key with you, you can do so by leaving a 5€ security deposit that will be returned when you return the key. |
Security Deposit Refund |
All services provided with a security desposit must be returned on the recpetion desk at the time of check-out to get the diposit back. |
Payment |
All non-refundable rates must be pay in advance. For do so we provide, to all non-refundable rates, a safe online bank link to do the payment. Don't do the payment in advance may conclude with the cancelation of the booking. The rest of the rates, could pay in advance or the day of the checkin. |
Cancellation Policy |
A booking can be canceled free of charge up to 48 hours before the check in date, if your booking rate is refundable. For non-refundable rate bookings if you cancel at any time the reservation will be charged in full as a penalty. Cancel the reservation less than two days in advance has a penalty equal to one night of your stay. If your reservation has a non-refundable rate, the reservation will be charged in full. Not showing up on the day of entry before 23:00 hours may imply automatic cancellation of the reservation. Group reservations are subject to a different cancellation policy, which is detailed in the conditions attached to the budget delivered. |
Shorting your stay |
In case of shortening your stay, if your rate is non-refundable, there will be no refund for the nights not used. In case of shortening your stay and your rate is different from the non-refundable, the remaining amount of the shortened nights will be refunded less a cancellation fee equal to two nights of stay. |
Conduct in the Hostel |
We request respect towards the other guests, the neighbours and the objects in the Hostel. If the guest come to the hostel in drunk conditions, may result in forbidden to the guest goes inside the room. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in guests being asked to leave the building. |
No smoking |
Smoking is not permitted inside the building or on room-balconies. Use only the designated areas to do so Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in guests being asked to leave the building. |
No drugs |
If a guest uses drugs in any part of the building, (s)he will be asked to leave the premises. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in guests being asked to leave the building. |
Alcoholic beverages |
No alcohol will be served to minors under 18. Isn't allow drink any alcoholic beverage on the rooms, you could do that in the dining room or in the terraze Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in guests being asked to leave the building. |
Eating inside the room |
It is not allowed to eat in the rooms, you could do that in the dining room or in the terraze. |
Personal belongings |
The Hostel is not responsible for the guests’ personal belongings. All guest have a private locker in the room to keep their belongings. Please use it to avoid losses. We also provide the service of secure safes. |
Use of shared rooms |
Every bed has its corresponding available locker to keep the luggage. The Hostel is not responsible for any lost, stolen or damaged personal item. We give you your own key to close your locker. Please use your allocated bed and locker only. |